
Based on her journey with her mother’s challenge of dementia, Barbara Lewis wrote the Guide for Adult Children of Parents with Dementia, which facilities distribute to families of dementia residents. The document recommends ways to cope with a parent whose memory is slipping, so at the end of the parent’s life, the son or daughter will have no regrets on how they spent their last years. (Spanish translation)

Podcast on Dementia

Health Stories Podcast (Decmber 8, 2018 Episode #28) A New Relationship, A New Day

Does your loved one have dementia or Alzheimer’s?

I answered all these questions, Yes, when my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. What are your answers?

  1. Are you frustrated with a loved one?
  2. Do you feel as though you’ve grown apart from your loved one lately?
  3. Do you feel as though your loved one is criticizing you more than previously?
  4. Does your loved one prevent interaction with others while you are around?
  5. Does your loved one embarrass you about things, which they say or do?
  6. Does your loved one say things that seem mean?
  7. Did your loved one stop doing things with you?
  8. Does your loved one make excuses for not talking with you?
  9. Does your loved say things that aren’t true?
  10. Does your loved one stick to a routine even when it’s not feasible?
  11. Has your loved one’s sense of humor changed?
  12. Do you feel that your loved one takes you for granted by not thanking you for things that you do?

Check out this resource from Policy Lab

A Guide to Dementia and Clinical Trials

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