Feedback to Joan’s Family Bill of Rights

“Barbara Lewis touches the heart of anybody who has attended a seriously ill hospitalized family member.”

“I am introducing this article to my HR colleagues in a conference call tomorrow…the article is poignant and profound and it touched me in a special way.” – Chief Human Resources Officer

“Thank you for taking the time to put this together – I will be sharing widely!!!” – VP Operations

“I will remember your words next and each time I enter a patient’s room.” – Nurse

“I just read your heartfelt Family Bill of Rights, and you certainly touched me with your sentiments. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts about your and your sister’s experience with others.” – Nurse

“I just wanted to say thank you for writing the ‘Family Bill of Rights.’  I cannot express how much reading the rights has inspired me to want to become the best nurse I possibly can become. I know that I have something to look back on and be inspired such wonderful ‘rights.’  Thank you again for the inspiration.” – Employee

“Joan’s Bill of Rights is lovely and so needed. I was so taken by it.” – Consultant

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