By-lined Articles

Lewis, B. (2023). Patient Experience. In The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication (eds E. Y. Ho, C. L. Bylund, J. C. M. van Weert, I. Basnyat, N. Bol and M. Dean).

Association for Patient Experience (Oct 9, 2019) Can You Hear Us Now?

Open Access Text (July 27, 2017) Communication: The Key to Patient Satisfaction

Engaging (July 28, 2016) Building Relationships with Patients: A Cornerstone of Patient Engagement

Engaging (Jan 7, 2016) The Gateway to Patient-Centered Care

Engaging (May 14, 2015) Patient and Family Advisory Councils: Making Inroads in Hospitals

Patient Experience Journal (November 2014) Questioning Protocol

Innovatient (Oct 27, 2014) The Personal Side of Medicine test

British Medical Journal (Oct 17, 2014) Joan’s Family Bill of Rights: An Essay

Engaging (Sep 11, 2014) Medical Schools Putting Focus on the Patient Experience

Skylight Health Care Systems (Aug 13, 2014) The Financial Impact of Patient and Family Advisory Councils on Hospitals

The Beryl Institute (Jul 2014) PFACs: Where’s the Money? The Financial Impact on Hospitals

Skylight Health Care Systems (May 7, 2014) The Family Experience: Joan’s Family Bill of Rights

The Beryl Institute: Patient Experience Monthly (Jan 14, 2014) Mandate for Change

Modern Healthcare (Dec 7, 2013) Scoring Hospitals on Physician-staff Collaboration Could Help Improve Care

The Beryl Institute (Oct 2013) Exploring the State of Patient Experience in Physician Practices and Medical Groups

Heartbeat (Jul 2013) Joan’s Family Bill of Rights

The Beryl Institute (Jun 2013) Understanding the Gap Between Patient Expectations and Reality

The Beryl Institute (March 2013) Medical School Focus on the Patient Experience

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