Quoted Articles

The following articles quoted Barbara or mentioned Joan’s Family Bill of Rights.

Forbes (Jan 1, 2022) In 2022, Here’s How Experts Say You Should Approach Your Healthcare Visits https://www.forbes.com/sites/debgordon/2022/01/01/in-2022-heres-how-experts-say-you-should-approach-your-healthcare-visits/?sh=a0a18f31f021

Healthcare Finance (Oct 27, 2021) The Value of Patient and Family Advisory Councils https://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/video/value-patient-and-family-advisory-councils

Kiplinger (Aug 2020) https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/601303/dont-be-a-helicopter-child-in-retirement

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Feb 14, 2014) Flipping Health Care from the Patient’s Perspective: Insights from Patient/Family Advisors

HealthStream.com (Jul 2013)

Dementia: There Is Hope (Jun 2013)

The Beryl Institute (May 2013) Voices of Patient and Families: Partners in Improving Patient Experience

The Therapeutic Relationship (Mar 22, 2013)

Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare (Mar 2013)

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