The mission of Healthcare PX, a non-profit organization, is to improve the patient experience. Healthcare PX is an extension of Joan’s Family Bill of Rights. This unconventional name was based on a document written by Barbara Lewis about the two weeks that her sister, Joan, spent in the intensive care unit and her tragic death in 2012. The document launched a series of services and resources to help healthcare organizations and patients.


Patient and Family Advisory Councils – Starting and sustaining a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is challenging. Our experience researching PFACs, serving on PFACs, and starting councils provides hospitals and medical groups with the expertise needed for a successful PFAC. Barbara began researching Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) in 2014 and wrote the business case for starting a PFAC titled PFACs: Where’s the Money? The Financial Impact on Hospitals. She is a PhD candidate and researching her dissertation on PFACs. 

Councils and Boards – We’ve served on many boards to help organizations accomplish their goals. Let us know if you’d like the voice of the patient, coupled with business experience, to aid your board.

Grants – We’ve represented the patient in a number of grants, plus we have managed the grant process. Let us know if you if we can help you.

Writing and Interviewing – We’ve written hundreds of articles for many national publications and have ghost-written articles as well. For two years, we produced a podcast where we interviewed nearly 100 experts for Healthcare Communication: Effective Techniques for Clinicians.

Based on her journey with her mother’s challenge of dementia, Barbara wrote the Guide for Adult Children with Parents with Dementia, which facilities distribute to families of dementia residents.

Diagnostic Error
Improve Diagnoses: What Patients Can Do offers suggestions for patients to ensure that they are not misdiagnosed.

Healthcare Communication: Effective Techniques for Clinicians – 95 interviews with healthcare communication experts discussing tips and techniques for communicating with patients and over 40,000 downloads.


The mission of Healthcare PX, a non-profit organization, is to improve the patient experience. Healthcare PX is an extension of Joan’s Family Bill of Rights. This unconventional name was based on a document written by Barbara Lewis about the two weeks that her sister, Joan, spent in the intensive care unit and her tragic death in 2012. The document launched a series of services and resources to help healthcare organizations and patients.

Patient and Family Advisory Councils – Starting and sustaining a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is challenging. Our experience researching PFACs, serving on PFACs, and starting councils provides hospitals and medical groups with the expertise needed for a successful PFAC. Barbara began researching Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) in 2014 and wrote the business case for starting a PFAC titled PFACs: Where’s the Money? The Financial Impact on Hospitals. She is a PhD candidate and researching her dissertation on PFACs. 

Councils and Boards – We’ve served on many boards to help organizations accomplish their goals. Let us know if you’d like the voice of the patient, coupled with business experience, to aid your board.

Grants – We’ve represented the patient in a number of grants, plus we have managed the grant process. Let us know if you if we can help you.  

Writing and Interviewing – We’ve written hundreds of articles for many national publications and have ghost-written articles as well. For two years, we produced a podcast where we interviewed nearly 100 experts for Healthcare Communication: Effective Techniques for Clinicians.



Based on her journey with her mother’s challenge of dementia, Barbara wrote the Guide for Adult Children with Parents with Dementia, which facilities distribute to families of dementia residents.

Diagnostic Error

Improve Diagnoses: What Patients Can Do offers suggestions for patients to ensure that they are not misdiagnosed. 

Healthcare Communication: Effective Techniques for Clinicians – 95 interviews with healthcare communication experts discussing tips and techniques for communicating with patients and over 40,000 downloads, plu

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