
The mission of Joan’s Family Bill of Rights is to help hospitals exceed patient expectations by enhancing the experience of patients and their family members, which could improve patient satisfaction survey scores. Joan’s Family Bill of Rights is the result of two weeks, mostly in the intensive care unit, as I watched my younger sister Joan die tragically of an unknown infection.
Throughout the hospital were posted Patients’ Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. However, nowhere did I see the rights of families, who spend long hours every day at the bedsides of loved ones. After creating Joan’s Family Bill of Rights, I began giving presentations to hospital staff, sharing my personal story as a family member and recommending ways to improve the hospital experience for patients and family members. As a marketing consultant for over two decades, I viewed my experience from the perspective of customer service or, in this case, patient service.
This website contains resources for healthcare providers to help exceed patient expectations and improve patient satisfaction survey scores. Please click on the links below for more information. My hope is that sharing Joan’s story will impact hospitals and improve the patient and family member experience. Thank you, Barbara Lewis
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